Vote YES on Measure AA and NO on Measure BB to save Fairview Park.

If you could do only one thing to save Fairview Park from development, voting YES on Measure AA and NO on Measure BB on November 8th 2016 would be it. Measure AA fixes a loophole the park has had ever since it was purchased from the county for preservation purposes and the city enacted policy 500-11. That's because city policy 500-11 allows for just 3 pro development city council members to stack a development committee in their favor to build whatever they want, including more than 2 million square feet of multipurpose buildings per current zoning laws, all against the will of the people. Current plans include multiple multipurpose buildings, multiple new asphalt parking lots with large scale high intensity LED lighting, new concrete trails, and new concrete access roads. Just last year the city's developer funded council members stacked a committee that drew up plans to build a sports complex with artificial turf, stadium lighting, a concession building, asphalt parking lots, and parking lot lighting. Other ideas they had were roller hockey surfaces, handball courts, and basketball courts. The reality is they can build whatever they can get away with. Even worse, just like the situation at TeWinkle Park not long ago, they could try to have the park run by corporate concessionaires receiving corporate welfare.

A list of what Fairview Park could be developed into by just 3 members of a pro development city council would be too lengthy for such a short post. However, that's the beauty of Measure AA. It protects the park from urban development by simply keeping the park the way it is, an open space passive use nature park. Even better, it encourages restoration and maintenance by making applications for grants a lot easier. That's because most non-profits or government entities only donate money if there are guarantees the restoration work they paid for will not be destroyed in a few years. Instead of invasive weeds taking over the park, the city can more easily raise money to create a scene more like the Newport Back Bay or the Crystal Cove State Park bluffs.

As far as counter Measure BB goes, it was created by pro development council members to purposely confuse voters to allow the park to be built out. BB is often sold using false and misleading statements about ADA compliance. The truth is the entire park is already compliant with ADA! It's simply not an issue unless of course they build it out with multipurpose buildings and need to install elevators. All BB does is prevent a narrow definition of certain sports fields from being built but allows for everything else. YES on AA and NO on BB is our best chance to save Fairview Park for our generation and generations to come. Fairview Park is the last of our open space. Although already priceless, it increases in value as our city becomes higher density and more urban every day.

Great blog post about Measure AA (link)

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